Beauty is indeed highly under-rated in importance. As is fatherhood and good masculinity.

Thanks for fine thoughts, tho I think you meant wary rather than weary:

"be weary of those that destroy art."

I am also tired of those who hate beauty.

Funny, on my clipboard was this quote from another mag (Jonathan Askonas):

" A technological society is incompatible with a blithe conservatism, but not with the furtherance of human flourishing and the transformation of wilderness into garden. "

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The Karens and soy bugmen must be sent back to Mordor, from whence they came: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-win-an-election

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"Societies with a growing absence of fatherhood have always destroyed art, without masculinity holding up a standard of genuine skill the artist becomes merely another commodifiable drone to interchangeably use for the nefarious intentions of the state. So, at the microcosmic you have protesters throwing mashed potatoes at an original Monet in Germany and at the macrocosmic we have the burning of non-German works of literature, poetry and philosophy in 1933.

Once again, be weary of those that destroy art". Well said Arthur

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Amen, brother! I'm assuming that you've seen this excellent lecture/video by Scott Burdick similarly titled "The Banishment of Beauty," addressing the triumph of the Emperor's New Clothes style aesthetics among wannabe creators and critics, but just in case you haven't: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tMtV5p0s4E&t=7s It's nothing that we all don't already know and haven't experienced, but it's nicely compiled and codified here.

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